Dental Implant Healing Timeline

In this blog from The Burkitt Center For Comprehensive Dentistry, we’re going through a comprehensive timeline of what to expect after receiving dental implants. If you’re curious about how long it takes to heal, what factors impact healing time, and what’s involved in the procedure, then continue reading.

The Initial Procedure

A local anesthetic will be administered to the patient before making an incision into the gums and exposing the jawbone. Dr. Will Jones will drill into the jawbone and implant a titanium post. 

Recovery time: You will heal from this initial surgery within a few days to 2 weeks. However, the real waiting game lies in the osseointegration process. It will take 3-6 months for the implant to fuse with your jaw bone. 

This process will need to be complete before moving onto the next step, but you may have additional checkup appointments within this time. You may experience some bleeding in the next 24-48 hours. You will be given gauze to bite down on for 30 minutes to an hour. If you experience excessive bleeding, contact your dentist right away.

Second Minor Abutment Surgery

After osseointegration has been complete, it is time to make a second small incision into the gums again. You will once again be given an anesthetic before opening up the gums. An abutment is screwed onto the titanium rod and is what will be used to connect your permanent crown restoration.

Recovery time: After this second surgery, you will need about 2 weeks to heal, but this may occur faster in some individuals. However, you will still need to wait 6 weeks before your crown can be placed. Some swelling is to be expected.

Attaching the Crown

Finally, the hard part is out of the way and all that is left to do is take x-rays and 3D images of your teeth to create a mold that perfectly matches your teeth. This is what will be used to create your tooth restoration and ensure that it blends in with your real teeth.

Since this is a fairly straightforward procedure that doesn’t require any additional incisions, you will just need to practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes and flossing once a day. Now you’re ready to enjoy your brand-new fully functional teeth!

General Estimate of Healing Time

Because every person is different, images in different behaviors, and heals at a different pace, there is no single approximate healing time that can be blanketly applied to everyone. An estimate of the average healing time associated with dental implants is four weeks. 

People tend to take 2 weeks to recover after the initial surgery and another 2 weeks after the second surgery. However, this does not change the waiting periods for osseointegration, which takes 3-6 months for the implant to fully fuse with your jaw bone and it takes 6 weeks for your crown to be created and fitted onto your tooth.

Factors that can negatively impact how long it takes for you to heal include:

  • Smoking
  • Getting multiple implants
  • Requiring bone grafting
  • Not following your dentist’s aftercare instructions
  • Poor bone health

Dental Implants - High-Quality Tooth Restoration That Prevents Bone Loss at The Burkitt Center For Comprehensive Dentistry

To find out more about dental implants or to find out if you’d be a suitable candidate, contact us at The Burkitt Center For Comprehensive Dentistry. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Will Jones to determine if your gums, teeth, and jaw are healthy enough for dental implants.

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